
Thursday, September 9, 2010

Take Control of One Thing in Your Life

Life often seems like a struggle (that we are often losing) in terms of  loss of control of our lives to outside influences. Sometimes this is the case. Sometimes outside influences can seem to take control of our lives.

Sometimes we abdicate control of our lives to others. Sometimes we try and control elements of our lives that simply can not be controlled and sometimes we simply make poor choices and have "nowhere to go" but down.

Depending upon your individual circumstances during this time in your life, including but not limited to the state you live in, whether or not you have children or your economic status, one of the many emotional phases you will experience will be that of loss of ownership of aspects of your life.

EXPECT it. PLAN for it. EMBRACE it.

This lack of control of your own life has its source in varying elements of the divorce process. The legal process robs you of control of your schedule, your finances and your time (do not underestimate the time commitment). You may or may not now have as much access to your children. You may not have any control whatsoever on the outcome of discussions or attemtpted discussions with your spouse.

This lack of control can be emotionally devastating to an individual. Other factors also will affect your emotional state throughout and after the conclusion of this process.

However, my advice to you is to find ONE THING that you CAN control in your life. It might be as mundane as watching a single 1 hour program on TV per week. During that one hour, you turn off the computer; you silence the phone and you give yourself that 1 hour. As we will discuss in other blog entries, perhaps getting to the gym a set number of times as a set time of day might be what you need to do to establish control over something in your life. (The benefits of exercise during this time can not be over-emphasized.) We will address that extensively in another blog entry.

The divorce process will eat you alive if you let it. You will have to (and maybe for the first time in your life) come to grips with accepting and understanding your emotional makeup. You will have to learn to control your emotions and target your emotional state to goals that you will need to have in coming out of the divorce process. You have to be prepared (at least emotionally) for any possible eventuality and twist and turn during and probably after your divorce. It is these unexpected twists and turns that cause most people to feel like they have lost control of their lives; either lost to the divorce process or to the spouse.

It is critical for you emotionally and even from a standpoint of stability to feel as if you do have control of some aspect of your life.

Remember however, you may for a time have to relinquish control of aspects of your life but NO ONE MAKES YOU RELINQUISH CONTROL OF HOW YOU RESPOND TO THOSE CIRCUMSTANCES. Don't fool yourself into believing that you have no control over who you are, because when all is said and done what we are or what we think we are underneath is irrelevant. How we act and react to our circumstances is always in our control and in fact defines us.

Introductory Post

First off, this site is still under cosmetic construction, so bear with me as I meld my way into a product that I will actually like. But I wanted to start getting posts out there.

I have struggled coming to the conclusion to start this blog. Divorce is such a private affair. While specific personal situations won't be discussed here, one always thinks about how the discussion of such a private topic will be taken; especially by acquaintances, friends and family.

I ultimately decided to engage upon this task, not for reasons of using this as a platform for my points of view, but as a distributions point for lessons learned having gone through the process. I will attempt to keep the discussions away from being specific to any given state. However, having gone through the process in the state of Maryland, posts will be couched with and from that point of view and as it relates to the laws of Maryland, as they existed in the 2009/2010 time frame. (Laws constantly change as they are in Maryland in some regards as it relates to divorce.)

This blog is very dependent upon participation from the reading audience. Please suggest requested topics of discussion as you see a need.

I will try very hard to keep this gender neutral. However, there are certain topics that are not treated in a gender neutral fashion by the law and will likely be discussed accordingly.

As the administrator, I of course reserve the right to block posts and posters that do not contribute to the overall intended tone of the blog. I won't tolerate emotional non-factual diatribes that do not contribute to the overall tone and posture of the blog. Vulgarities likewise will not be tolerated.

I will not be making any posted recommendations for any specific lawyers or law firms on this site; nor will I tolerate posts or posters that make explicit sales pitches for any lawyers or law firms. I have not, as of this time decided to ban input from lawyers. I will see how that goes and react accordingly.